Monday, March 02, 2015

Two Rows by the Sea

Terrorists from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) recently beheaded 21 expatriate Egyptian Christians who were working in Libya. The viral video showed the row of terrorists in black and the innocent Christians in orange (designed to draw attention to the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay).

While the world reacted in horror, Egyptian Christians saw an opportunity – An opportunity to share Jesus. Within days they put together this simple, but powerful brochure (this is the English version).

It was a basic pamphlet. Four questions, five Bible passages, and this simple text:

"Two rows of men walked the shore
of the sea,

On a day when the world’s tears
would run free,

One a row of assassins, who
thought they did right,

The other of innocents, true sons
of the light,

One holding knives in hands held

The other with hands empty,
defenseless and tied,

One row of slits to conceal glaring
dead eyes,

The other with living eyes raised
to the skies,

One row stood steady, pall-bearers
of death,

The other knelt ready, welcoming
heaven’s breath,

One row spewed wretched,
contemptible threats,

The other spread God-given peace
and rest.

A Question... 
Who fears the other?

The row in orange, watching
paradise open?

Or the row in black, with minds
evil and broken?"

  So I ask “Who are the true victims?”

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